Fuck it all
In over my head?
You bet
I’m losing the game
The game I made up the rules to
And have been playing for years (literally)
Now I’m down 3-1
One of me
Three of them
The Ginger (who’s more than likely psycho)
The Smart One (who’s a bit too young)
The Newbie (who’s clearly baby-crazy)
Will you marry me?
I’ll never fuck again. Only make love…to you.
I love you
I love you
I love you
I’ve become the record
That I’ve played until…
Until it broke
The hypodermic needle skipping on grooves that are my skin
Back to those words
I love you
And you,
And you,
And you,
And you,
Oh and you too. I love(d) you all
It’s possible…
Isn’t it?
I’ve beaten myself
At a game I created myself
And then cheated at
Good odds?
A bettin’ man might take ’em
I’m bettin’ my rock bottom dollar
That the survival rate will be 0.
Maybe it’s true:
“Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
To tell them each of the other two
Would ensure my social suicide
The three females whom I “love”
Would all be heartbroken
A much more fitting way to put it:
An irreversible cleave through the almighty love-muscle.
Don’t tell?
Commit my social suicide?
Or put off, for now, signing my own Death Warrant?
That’s all it is
Putting it off until later…
When they find out
(and they will)
Would it be “better”
To let it out and pray?
Cheaters never win
Winners (the real, true winners that is)
Never cheat
Freshman year to present da:
Rose—I cheated
Abby—I cheated
Lauren—I cheated
Alix—I cheated
Lauren (again)—I cheated
Alana—I’m still cheating
Lauren (yet again)—I’m still cheating
Paula—Been cheating since day 1
See that up there?
There are probably more
I’m more than certain I’ve cheated on every single one of them, too
Looking back,
With the exception of Abby,
I’ve only cheated on girls that I’ve…
Oh hell, I’ll say it!!!
I love them
I still love them
All of them
I cheat on the ones I legitimately love
If you hurt worst those closest,
I must be a pro
What the fuck am I doing in the minor leagues?
Send my cheatin’ ass to the Olympics
I’m world class material
But why?
Why do I choose to hurt them?
What kind of sadistic fuck needs to hurt?
Hurt not one,
Not two,
But three sweet girls simultaneously?
Three lovely young women who love me so much?
Screw quitting while I’m ahead
I’m already drowning in the red
I’ve heard of in over your head, but
This takes it to a whole other
I realized a while back that I’m no longer
No longer writing a poem
This is bigger
Heavier by far than any poem ever put into ink
At least by me…
This is my confession.
Damn me Father, for I love sinning.
Written as a stream of conscience
In a poetic manner of line/stanza breaks
Oh well
I suppose old habits die hard
Like this method of word presentation
And my cheating
In all honesty, I’ve really got nothing else
Nothing new for this work
At this point I’m just rambling
Fucking Adderall…
Put the pen down…do it. Now! NOW!!!
*a rant fueled by Adderall