Monday, August 29, 2011

Thank You Margret

On a train bound for nowhere
What’s your destination?
One-way or return?
To answer your questions:
Anywhere but here
Why would I return from nowhere,
Back to nothing?
One way to Chicago, please

With my dues now all paid and all my time served
What can you do with freedom,
When chains are all you’ve known?
I can board a Greyhound for Texas
To find a place
I might end up calling home

So I did

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Last Bedtime

The day is done
Time for bed
In the morning I wake
Not rested, but feeling…
Feeling only pure dread

I can’t stand waking,
Faking my will to be taking it again
Another day of aching
Waking and waiting
For the day my paining ends

With a friend like the sun,
Why need the moon as my enemy?

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Take me in your arms
Lay me down to sleep
And promise you won’t be alarmed
When my heart ceases to beat

Shed no tears
That’s not allowed
Staining your face
That ground’s hallowed

With a friend like the sun,
Why need the moon as my enemy?
With a keeper like you,
Why need a priest to give my last rites?

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

[about 30 seconds or so of instrumental]
Be my savior
By being my end
Your lips…let me savor
Your breath…share once more that flavor
The end of my path is just ‘round the bend

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

A life without you is a fate worse than death
Eternity in Heaven is even more hellish
So wrap your arms around my neck
Death by your embrace…
The last thing in life I shall relish

With a friend like Death,
Why need Life as my enemy?

So I ask once more…
Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Open Up Wide

Can you feel it yet?
Give it time.
Open your heart to me.
And I’ll open up mine.

Bring down your walls.
Let your soul
Answer my call.

So you saw me last night…
I didn’t leave my bed.
You felt my touch…
But it was all in your head.

I love you so dearly,
And you love me too.
Let me inside,
And I’ll show you
What my heart can do.

It’s only one-way,
I can send, not receive.
But to those I feel for the most…
At first there’s fear, then relief.

So when you “see” me beside you
And feel my hand’s caress,
You might be light years away…
But my soul’s desire is no less.

If you need it put bluntly,
Lay-man’s terms, if you will…
I can lay it all down,
But this feeling…
To me, doesn’t exactly thrill:

When I feel strongly enough for someone and they feel the same, my heart and mind tend to “project” my emotions to that person and they’ll say they feel like I’m right there, and almost even see me.  In some case, they might even feel my touch; if that’s the action my “emotional projection” is taking.  I can’t control it in any way, and so far I’ve not gotten that feeling from anyone…only ever sent it out unintentionally, and without even knowing I’ve done it until I’m told about it.