Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Friend Zone

Been there
It sucks
I loved her and all she had was

I gave her the world
She gave me dirt
I gave her my heart
She smacked it
“That hurt”

She’s there
Still sucks
She loves me and all I can say is

I know she tries to gimme the world
I look away and stare at the dirt
She hands me her heart and…
I’m hurt.

I’ve been on both sides
Neither is fun
And with your heart on your sleeve
The loneliest number…
Is no longer 1

Always Take Time…

I stop
And smell the roses
They are sweet after the rain, and I smile

I walk
And see the sunflowers
They look right at the sun without shades, and I laugh

I trip and fall on my face
And a tulip smacks me in the eye
I growl at it’s brazenness and then pluck it as revenge

I walk some more and turn around
I see the colors
I smell the aromas
I hear the breeze soughing through the flowers and I sigh…
Just before laying down in a field of Poppies to sleep like Dorothy.


I found him on the floor
Looked like a puddle of chocolate sauce
I turned my brother over and…
That’s not chocolate sauce

His shirt was all red
I could not tell
From where he had bled
All I knew was
“My brother is dead.”

Now some years later, I’m grown
I have family and kids of my own
But there are more than just shirts and ties in my closet…
Hanging on a hook, next to my lucky belt,
Is his skeleton

Since that day, I have had it
In my closet
In my car on the way to work
Even in the shower while I scrub myself down
His corpse rests in a cemetery hundreds of miles away with a very nice headstone.
And yet his skeleton is something I cannot be far enough away from

I did not kill him
But I knew who did
My brother’s dead body was the result of him finding our father touching our baby sister
My brother drew his prized switchblade and cut
Our father grabbed it…and thrust the blade to my brother’s gut

And now, because I saw it all and said nothing…
My brother’s skeleton in my closet serves as a gentle, daily reminder of my silence


Monday, November 21, 2011


Taking blade to throat
Taking pen to paper
Two "equal" methods of bringing about peace
I am now a killer
Peace is made by my hand
Not merely kept by my handwriting

Taking pen to paper
Taking blade to throat
Two "equal" methods of bringing about peace
I am now a diplomat
Peace is made by my penmanship
Not merely kept by my swordplay

Taking sword in one hand
Taking pen in the other
Now this is a sight to behold
A true dual-wielder of war
One hand to cut down thine enemies
One hand to write down a peace treaty.

Now I must cast one aside
A killer or a diplomat?
My records of each are equally great
My life has been lived by the blade and I always swore to die by it
My life has turned to the sharpest weapon being only my wit
I love death as I love my life
I love peace as I love death

I made the choice of diplomat
I'm damn fine at it
But my heart still aches to spill blood

I'm not a killer anymore...
Or am I?

Monday, August 29, 2011

Thank You Margret

On a train bound for nowhere
What’s your destination?
One-way or return?
To answer your questions:
Anywhere but here
Why would I return from nowhere,
Back to nothing?
One way to Chicago, please

With my dues now all paid and all my time served
What can you do with freedom,
When chains are all you’ve known?
I can board a Greyhound for Texas
To find a place
I might end up calling home

So I did

Monday, August 15, 2011

My Last Bedtime

The day is done
Time for bed
In the morning I wake
Not rested, but feeling…
Feeling only pure dread

I can’t stand waking,
Faking my will to be taking it again
Another day of aching
Waking and waiting
For the day my paining ends

With a friend like the sun,
Why need the moon as my enemy?

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Take me in your arms
Lay me down to sleep
And promise you won’t be alarmed
When my heart ceases to beat

Shed no tears
That’s not allowed
Staining your face
That ground’s hallowed

With a friend like the sun,
Why need the moon as my enemy?
With a keeper like you,
Why need a priest to give my last rites?

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

[about 30 seconds or so of instrumental]
Be my savior
By being my end
Your lips…let me savor
Your breath…share once more that flavor
The end of my path is just ‘round the bend

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

A life without you is a fate worse than death
Eternity in Heaven is even more hellish
So wrap your arms around my neck
Death by your embrace…
The last thing in life I shall relish

With a friend like Death,
Why need Life as my enemy?

So I ask once more…
Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Rock me to sleep
I need the peace
My love, I’m begging you
Rock me to sleep

Open Up Wide

Can you feel it yet?
Give it time.
Open your heart to me.
And I’ll open up mine.

Bring down your walls.
Let your soul
Answer my call.

So you saw me last night…
I didn’t leave my bed.
You felt my touch…
But it was all in your head.

I love you so dearly,
And you love me too.
Let me inside,
And I’ll show you
What my heart can do.

It’s only one-way,
I can send, not receive.
But to those I feel for the most…
At first there’s fear, then relief.

So when you “see” me beside you
And feel my hand’s caress,
You might be light years away…
But my soul’s desire is no less.

If you need it put bluntly,
Lay-man’s terms, if you will…
I can lay it all down,
But this feeling…
To me, doesn’t exactly thrill:

When I feel strongly enough for someone and they feel the same, my heart and mind tend to “project” my emotions to that person and they’ll say they feel like I’m right there, and almost even see me.  In some case, they might even feel my touch; if that’s the action my “emotional projection” is taking.  I can’t control it in any way, and so far I’ve not gotten that feeling from anyone…only ever sent it out unintentionally, and without even knowing I’ve done it until I’m told about it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gone Mad

Your life contains:
24 hours in a day
7 days in a week
4 weeks in a month
12 months in a year
I could go on, but I'd get bored...

My life contains:
One hour
One day
One time
I could go on, but I'd never finish...

When your day ends and you climb into bed...
 My day has been going on for three of yours.

When night falls, and you lay down to rest...
My sun sits high at its zenith, never to set.

To live your life the way I live mine would grant you more time in a single "day" than you would know what to do with in one month.

This being said, it's safe to assume that I'm referring to a disease I have known as insomnia
I am on medication for it, and when taken...the pills work like a dream. (no pun intended)
But while me body receives its rest, and my muscles are allowed to remain...my brain is slowly frying.
I can't remember anything.
Ask me how many times I was been hospitalized during my senior year of high school.
A few months ago, I could give you an exact number and even tell you the order...and the dates I was in inpatient and/or outpatient.
Ask me today, and I'll have no answer other than "too many times"
Not for lack of wanting to tell you, but because I haven't the foggiest idea anymore.
That's what gets me. The fact that I'm being treated for my illness, yet the damage it has done to me already cannot ever be reversed.

Your life has:
Days, nights...time passes in an orderly fashion for you.

My life has:
Events...in a world without days or dates, one can only measure in minutes or hours.

The medical definition of Insomnia is that you have an inability to sleep and that it can cause physical and mental complications.

My definition of Insomnia is: A state of living in perpetual twilight where memories are simply dreams that actually happened...though no less vague and confusing in how fuzzy they'll always be.

Monday, June 13, 2011


A new day
A fresh start
Never looking back, I can see the sunrise
And I feel that nothing could go wrong

Another night
An old ghost
Always walking backwards, I can see the sunset
And I feel that nothing could go right

Another day is calling
A new night is waiting
Always with my eyes closed, I can feel the sunshine
Always with my heart open, I'm will face down my demons
And I know that while shit may happen, everything will be alright

And so—just as the bird shall sing each morning to welcome the rising sun, her eggs safe and sound or stolen by the serpent while she slept, her thoughts of the past used as lessons and those of the future used as guides—so shall I awake tomorrow

"If you always keep one foot in the past, and the other in the future, you'll end up shitting all over today."—Max of Unit 5 West

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


You see Me and ask:
"Hey...where the hell are You going?"
I scream for mercy.
I beg you to stop.
You just smack Me around some more and tell Me to "Shut the fuck up."
You say I disappoint You.
Right before You drag me back to the front lines you say:
"If You're going to run away, at least have the sac to get past Me."

So now I'm waiting.
Doing My job.
Manning the heavy artillery and praying I still have one more shell.
Running across the No-Man's-Land and praying this isn't the last time I see the sky.
I pray a lot.
But I'm not praying just to live longer.
I pray that I live long enough to see You punch out and head home.

When You punch out, I'll sneak up.
I'll show You I have the sac to get past You.
When You punch out, I'll punch You out.

You've had me under your thumb too long.
So here is My rebellion.

I can see you getting ready to leave for the night.
And when you do, I'll try to run away again.
But I will make it this time.
I'm gonna bring 150% and beat the shit out of You the way You did me.

You just walked out.
Time for My rematch.
Just I against Me against Myself.
I see you and ask:
"Hey...where the hell are You going?"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

(Commiting) Social Suicide*

Fuck it all
In over my head?
You bet
I’m losing the game
The game I made up the rules to
And have been playing for years (literally)
Now I’m down 3-1
One of me
Three of them
The Ginger (who’s more than likely psycho)
The Smart One (who’s a bit too young)
The Newbie (who’s clearly baby-crazy)
Will you marry me?
I’ll never fuck again. Only make love…to you.
I love you
I love you
I love you

I’ve become the record
That I’ve played until…
Until it broke
The hypodermic needle skipping on grooves that are my skin
Back to those words
I love you
And you,
And you,
And you,
And you,
Oh and you too. I love(d) you all
It’s possible…
Isn’t it?

I’ve beaten myself
At a game I created myself
And then cheated at

Good odds?
A bettin’ man might take ’em
I’m bettin’ my rock bottom dollar
That the survival rate will be 0.

Maybe it’s true:
“Once a cheater, always a cheater.”
To tell them each of the other two
Would ensure my social suicide
The three females whom I “love”
Would all be heartbroken
A much more fitting way to put it:
An irreversible cleave through the almighty love-muscle.

Don’t tell?
Commit my social suicide?
Or put off, for now, signing my own Death Warrant?
That’s all it is
Putting it off until later…
When they find out
(and they will)

Would it be “better”
To let it out and pray?
Cheaters never win
Winners (the real, true winners that is)
Never cheat

Freshman year to present da:
Rose—I cheated
Abby—I cheated
Lauren—I cheated
Alix—I cheated
Lauren (again)—I cheated
Alana—I’m still cheating
Lauren (yet again)—I’m still cheating
Paula—Been cheating since day 1

See that up there?
There are probably more
I’m more than certain I’ve cheated on every single one of them, too

Looking back,
With the exception of Abby,
I’ve only cheated on girls that I’ve…
Oh hell, I’ll say it!!!
I love them
I still love them
All of them
I cheat on the ones I legitimately love
If you hurt worst those closest,
I must be a pro
What the fuck am I doing in the minor leagues?
Send my cheatin’ ass to the Olympics
I’m world class material

But why?
Why do I choose to hurt them?
What kind of sadistic fuck needs to hurt?
Hurt not one,
Not two,
But three sweet girls simultaneously?
Three lovely young women who love me so much?
Screw quitting while I’m ahead
I’m already drowning in the red
I’ve heard of in over your head, but
This takes it to a whole other

I realized a while back that I’m no longer
No longer writing a poem
This is bigger
Heavier by far than any poem ever put into ink
At least by me…

This is my confession.
Damn me Father, for I love sinning.
Written as a stream of conscience
In a poetic manner of line/stanza breaks
Oh well
I suppose old habits die hard
Like this method of word presentation
And my cheating

In all honesty, I’ve really got nothing else
Nothing new for this work
At this point I’m just rambling
Fucking Adderall…
Put the pen down…do it. Now! NOW!!!

*a rant fueled by Adderall

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm sorry

I'd never ask you to leave.
I'd never force you to stay.
But you'd have me do just that.
Choose to either throw you aside, or keep you.

You've had your blows and I'm sorry I was one of them.
I've had mine too, and I'm sorry I caused them.
But I love you dearly, and want to change that.
I would love you until I die.
I would open doors, pull out chairs, and be there for you even when you tell me not to.
I'd talk to you about anything and everything.
I'd listen to anything and everything you would tell me.
Even if you tell me not to.

I'd never ask you to leave.
I'd never force you to stay.
But you'd have me do just that.
Choose to throw you aside, or to keep you.

I'm keeping you.
Forever, if you'd let me.
Longer if I could.
I will die loving you.
I would kill for you to love me.

If I could take back everything I said and did I would.
In a heartbeat, I'd make it all go away.
In the next, I'd replace it all with anything and everything you could ever want.
You've heard it all before because it's all been said before at some point.
There's no original way to say you love someone anymore.
So this is my attempt at some discourse.

If you love me, I love you.
If you don't love me, I love you.
If you hate me, I love you.
If you leave me, I love you.
If you come to me, I love you.
If you kill me...
I'll love you forever.

Speaking in Tongues

You tell me what you want to hear.
I listen.
You tell me to say it.
I cannot obey.
How am I supposed to say anything, let alone the right things, when just the mere thought of you leaves me speechless and out of breath?

You ask if I’m alright.
I say yes, but nothing more.
My breathing is shaky, yet I claim there’s nothing wrong.
Because there is nothing wrong with the butterflies that take wing in my stomach and the shivers that fly up and down my spine when we touch.

I touch your face.
We kiss.
Out lips meet, and our mouths are one as our tongues caress, and all of a sudden it makes perfect sense to me.

I love, and am in love, with you.
Every time we kiss I pray that my lips against yours can speak, in those few seconds, the volumes of love that my heart beats through my body for you.

Every time our tongues connect I pray that, in that brief time, all I need to do to prove myself to you is to keep…